Returnable cups

from 2016

Advance cup system

We were the first on the Vltava River to switch to the Nicknack backup cup system in in 2016. So we don’t produce about 10 tonnes of waste each year from disposable cups, which mostly end up in the river itself and on its banks.

The cups are backed up 50 CZK and can be returned at our entire network of locations along the river from Vyšší Brod to Tábor Krmítko.

In 2023, we are within the 24. of the “Waste Prevention” challenge, we received a subsidy which enabled us to build a new modern washing centre where we regularly service all our cups, i.e. we sort, wash, properly dry and store in sterile hygienic boxes for further handling, so that the cup always reaches our customers undamaged and hygienically clean.

At the same time, thanks to the subsidy, we were able to purchase additional reusable cups for cold and now also hot drinks, so you can continue to enjoy your refreshments here without the remorse of producing unnecessary waste.

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